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The Butterfly Field


Donate a part of your garden back to nature!

This invitation is printed on the letter with/ of gold dust - Natur and Butterfly Field - which were distributed on the Moostag and delivered with pots for wild flowers.

Martin Gut: I don`t know when I realised that butterflies weren`t flying flowers. In any case it was a natural highlight to chase after a flying flower, as a nipper.

In collaboration with the agency for agriculture and forest Martin Gut implemented the Butterfly Field as project of art in action in two acts and four dimensions. His installation contained 1`000 pots for wildflowers which were sold seperately at the Wauwiler Moostag - each pot left a flying buterfly behind which was symbolically drawn on the floor and contained some gold dust with the invitation to donate parts of land back to nature.

The butterfly serves as a Metaphor for other endangered plants and species in Martin Gut`s project of art in action. They are quasi searching for a home and individual oases of meadows left in their natural state should provide them with a habitat.

Translation of a text by J. Hekhoff

Title: Butterfly Field
Artist: Martin Gut
Year: 2007
Material used: 1000 pot wild flowers, chalk, gold dust letter, competition
Type: art action

1`000 pots for wildflowers, Fhotograph Martin Gut © 2007 / letter of gold dust.
in english in german