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Flame Beamer

About the nick-nack of civilization and wellbeing.

Martin Gut sheeted a huge objective of an oldvideo beamer onto the base portion of an office chair. He notched to cast-iron legs and chiped it off in a jolt. Martin Gut: "One may see what it was, but the left-overs shouldn`t remind the viewers of the orignial object too strongly."

What was created here is the result of many experiments. Countless objectives and transparent parts were scrutinised with a flame over the past few days to find the optimal pontential for the constellation to be assembled.

Close themes such as: Slowlyness, pertinent question on energy provision or candle-romanticism were asociated with the flame beamer. The reason behind Martin Gut`s experiments was to give an emotional response to the question: How much nick-nack of civilization does the individual need to do what is good for him- or herself?
Translation of a text by J. Hekhoff
Title: Flame Beamer
Artist: Martin Gut
Year: 2007
Material used: a video beamer, an office chair, a music stand, glas, lamp oil, cord made from linen, fire, screws
Masse: height: 27.17 inch, width: 17.32 inch, depth: 26.77 inch
Type: art object, light object, flame projector

Flame Beamer, Photographs, Martin Gut © 2007
in english in german